Do you need a multi-use website?

by Apr 2, 2013Design, Technology0 comments

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If you have ever said:

[su_pullquote align=”left”][su_note color=”#ffffff”]I wish this website page could look different than the rest of my website.[/su_note][/su_pullquote][su_spacer size=”1″]Then you probably need a multi-use website.

A multi-use website allows you to essentially apply different “skins” or “themes”, apply different functionality, access a different (or the same) user community and much more. It generally creates sub-domains on against your existing domain.

[av_font_icon color=’#f05a1a’ font=’entypo-fontello’ icon=’ue8da’ size=’40px’ position=’left’ link=” linktarget=’no’ av_uid=’av-3txdt4′]Sub-Domains

The best way to describe a sub-domain is to use a real life example.

[su_note color=”#ffffff”]Say your business has a help desk. When people go to the help desk it has a different menu with different options and a special feature allowing customers to receive online help. The help desk needs to function and look different than the primary website.

If the primary website is: [su_highlight bg=”#DDFF99″ color=”#000000″][/su_highlight]

then the subdomain for the help desk would be: [su_highlight bg=”#DDFF99″ color=”#000000″][/su_highlight]

This is a great example of the use of a Sub-Domain.


[av_font_icon color=’#f05a1a’ font=’entypo-fontello’ icon=’ue8dd’ size=’40px’ position=’left’ link=” linktarget=’no’ av_uid=’av-2bwidk’]Uses for Multi-Use Websites

Multi-use websites are best suited to organizations and people that want to present different information that requires a different look and different functionality. Gulf Coast Web Net uses multi-use websites to prototype client websites while they are under construction and to provide our help desk and show functionality of special features like our Announce website skin.

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  • Blog networks
  • Social networks
  • Internal networks for organizations or companies
  • Educational sites
  • Sites that span cities, customer groups, or other various groups


Generally, Multi-use sites are only marginally more expensive to maintain. Here at Gulf Coast Web Net we add a 20% surcharge onto your hosting charge for each sub-domain on your site, which is considerably less expensive than paying for an entirely separate domain.




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