Apps for People who love to Read

by Sep 30, 2013Technology, Website Tips0 comments

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People who love to read don’t have to be left out of the online world. There are some really wonderful app’s built specifically with the reader in mind. Here are some of the apps for people who love to read:
[av_font_icon color=’#f05a1a’ icon=’158′ size=’40px’ position=’left’ link=” linktarget=’no’ av_uid=’av-9tk6u2′]The Daily News
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Digg gives you access to RSS subscriptions where you can read popular stories from social news outlets. You can share stories or save them to read later. Digg can also synchronize your read items across devices for FREE!

Feedly creates quick-to-load pages that can be organized by category from your favorite online news sources. It presents information in an easy to use, easy to load process that searches with lightning speed. You can search with Feedly without an account, but if you want to save items for later you need to start an account (free).
[av_font_icon color=’#f05a1a’ icon=’156′ size=’40px’ position=’left’ link=” linktarget=’no’ av_uid=’av-8065gq’]Read it Later
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Instapaper is a simple tool for saving web pages for reading later on your iPhone, iPad, Android, Computer or Kindle. You can only search with a subscription of $1 per month but if you tap a bookmarklet on any web page Instapaper removes the ads for zero-distraction reading. It also saves items for reading offline later.

Pocket is useful when you find an interesting article, video or web page that you want to read, watch or view later, put it in Pocket. Once it’s in Pocket, it automatically syncs across to your phone, tablet and computer so you can view it anytime on any device, even without an internet connection. The app is FREE.
[av_font_icon color=’#f05a1a’ icon=’55’ size=’40px’ position=’left’ link=” linktarget=’no’ av_uid=’av-69tupm’]Ebook Readers
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Wattpad is really fun! You can search through millions of works by unknown authors. You can also write your own stories. If you publish your story let us know. This app is also FREE.

Moon+ Reader allows you to read thousands of books for free and supports multiple online book sites. It has a nice experience with a smooth scroll. It has more than 10 reading themes as well as great font and layout customizations. It costs $5.

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