I got excited this morning to learn about some new digital tools for teachers. So, I thought I would share this with you. The first is Amazon Inspire. Amazon developed a new tool for teachers. It allows them to search, discover, and share digital educational resources. They can search by subject (like English, Math, Science, Social Studies and Arts). They can also filter on grade, resource type or time to complete. I think every educator and school district should sign up for this great, free tool.

Google Chrome introduced Chromebooks for Education. This program makes laptops affordable for all students. It also provides training for educators and administrators. This is a great program because it prepares children for the environment they will be living in. James Sanders, a teacher at KIPP Academy of Opportunity in Los Angeles says; “It is a more interactive based model, where the students are required to think independently, create, and collaborate. Rather than just memorize and regurgitate.”