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Twitter Fiction Festival – What is your Twitter Story?
Twitter Fiction Festival Began Yesterday Yesterday The Twitter Fiction Festival (#TwitterFiction) began and will last...
Excellence in Every Action
Excellence is a talent or quality which is unusually good and so surpasses ordinary standards. Excellence does not...
Google is Mapping Our Galaxy
Things are changing The internet, after a decade of exploring device interaction with the iPad and iPhone, changing...
Style your Product Images for Pinterest
If you're online you most likely know about Pinterest®. Currently Pinterest® is free for everyone and is one of the...
Facebook Saved my Life
That is a huge statement, but it is true. Mashable just surpassed 1 million Facebook fans and so they are sharing the...
PrivacyFix a New Chrome Extension for Facebook Privacy
People fall, generally, into the continuum of two extremes when it comes to their private lives. Those who have given...
Bloggers Block?
One of my client’s biggest hangups is their blog. It can be intimidating. You sit there and look at a blank page and don’t know what to write.
On our Radar – Yahoo: Real Change or Toilet Paper
Well, Don't ask me why Yahoo is on my radar... I guess it is because it may be on yours. I stumbled upon an...
Measuring Friendship in Social Media – more than a click
When I saw Delta Airlines say they would give $1 to Breast Cancer Awareness (up to $50,000) for every “Like” on their page I was dismayed.
Square + iPad = SquareUp an Elegant iPad Solution
Today I witnessed the iPad + Square (SquareUp) cash register for the second time and it struck me as such an elegant...
iPhone 5
My family is heavily into the iPhone, kind of like people who love their Chevy or their Ford. It is an irrational...
A Little Content Can Go a Long Way
Your website can be so much more than just a BUSINESS CARD. You wouldn’t own just one pair of shoes, so why own just one website!