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How to use your blog: The Scoop Alaska
The Blog The Scoop Alaska is one of our newest personal blog clients and it has hit the ground running. If you think...
Bing Places for Business
Everyone knows about Google. But, millions of people use Bing and prefer Bing for their online searches. Bing has...
How to build a link strategy for your website
This week we promised to give you more idea's on how to build a link strategy for your website. There are different...
WordPress 4.4
This month Wordpress 4.4 was introduced. This version was named “Clifford” in honor of jazz trumpeter Clifford Brown....
New Automated Website Estimate
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Using SEO Yoast Plugin on your Website
The SEO Yoast plugin is a great tool to help you take advantage of those keywords. We found this great video by Online Media Masters that explains how you can best use this plugin.
Blogging to make your Website Sing
Most people think… I write and share on my Facebook page “all the time!“. Why do I need to blog on my website, nobody goes there.
Monarch Social Media Plugin for your Website
Elegant Themes, one of our providers recently introduced a brand new social media plugin called Monarch. It is a...
Most popular and funniest videos of 2014
According to Google, videos are more engaging than blogs or articles. Online videos now account for 50% of all mobile...
Finding Free Images on Google Chrome
There are many ways to find free or inexpensive images for social media. Because so many of the services I use are...
Mailchimp Snap: A Great New iPhone App
Now you can send a photo to the people who subscribe to your newsletter right from your iPhone! Mailchimp just built...
You’ll Be Able to Watch Apple’s iPad Event Live Next Week
Next week (10 a.m. ET/1 p.m. PT on Oct. 16) you'll be able to watch the launch of the next-generation iPad Air, iPad...