One of the advantages of WordPress is the CMS platform that allows you to blog. Unfortunately, few clients take advantage of this great opportunity. Blogging is something that people can do, regardless of their business, I thought this would be a great topic for my WordPress Meetup group.
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Website Maintenance should be Invisible
If you pay someone to manage your website it is because you understand the importance of maintaining your website. If you maintain your own website you either know how much time it consumes, or you aren’t doing it correctly.
Getting creative with sidebars
Sidebars are a great way to attract a user’s attention to other parts of your website and keep them there. We will discuss different ways to do that and great plugins to help you implement your ideas.
Client Websites
We design beautiful, elegant, and affordable websites for small business & nonprofit's. Click on any website to...
4 Tools for Automating and Recycling Social Media Posts
There are tools that automate social media posts, so that important, evergreen content pieces get published on a recurring schedule without more work from you. Here’s a look at a few social media automation solutions to consider.
How to build a link strategy for your website
This week we promised to give you more idea's on how to build a link strategy for your website. There are different...
Newsletter Best Practices
People debate about the effectiveness of email Newsletters. My recommendation is... Why not? People opt in to your...
Apps for People who love to Read
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