eCommerce Payment Options
We deal with eCommerce almost everyday as a customer, but when it comes to selecting an eCommerce solution for your website it seems more complicated. Here are some of the most common payment options. [av_font_icon icon='ue911' font='entypo-fontello' style='border'...
Halloween Makeup Inspiration
Halloween is just around the corner and I hope you're thinking about some fun activities. This year I was considering dressing up for Halloween which I haven't done in years. Below is a Pinterest Board of Halloween makeup to inspire you....
Calendarize It WordPress Events Calendar
Calendarize it is one of the best calendar plugins for Wordpress. It has lots of great functionality right out of the box, but it also has some very inexpensive extensions to give you more functionality if you need it. [av_icon_box icon='ue85b' font='entypo-fontello'...
Creativity in Miniature
One of our goals here at Gulf Coast Web Net is to inspire your creativity. Today we're featuring creativity in miniature. Recently I ran into an article about a man who creates art from nature, but in an entirely different way than you might expect. His name is Klaus...
New VPS Server at GulfCoastWebNet
Gulf Coast Web Net has several servers at InMotion Hosting and these were just upgraded to VPS Server S-Class, which means now your website will run even faster and receive improved SEO scores from Google and other search engines. You can read more about the new...
Shared, VPS, Dedicated Server, What’s the difference?
Have you ever wondered about where your website lives? If your website is hosted with us your website lives in a VPS environment. InMotion Hosting - Types of Web Hosting Plans
The Best Online Appointment Calendars
There are so many great online appointment calendars it is hard to narrow the best ones down. When you are looking for an online appointment calendar there are some key features you should not compromise on. [av_icon_box icon='ue8d2' font='entypo-fontello'...
Pinterest Rich Pins
Pinterest Rich Pins are a recent addition to Pinterest. They make it easier for people to actually shop using Pinterest. So, if you are a business selling merchandise you owe it to yourself to invest some time into Pinterest. You could think of Rich pins as "Super...
Use of Lines in Design
[su_pullquote align="right"]Drawing attention to the content is what you want to do, right?[/su_pullquote]Design effectively is more about subtlety than about bold strokes. Lines in design can play a critical role, drawing attention to the content; that is what you...
Using Media Grid WordPress Plugin
Media Grid comes with masonry layout, is designed to adapt each portfolio to any situation and is mobile optimized for responsive themes.
Managing your Website Membership
Managing website membership can seem a little daunting. There are a lot of people out there just waiting to take advantage of your inattention to your website and fill it with spam comments and invalid links. So, when you are a manager of a membership website you...
Get more shares on Facebook
Shortstack is a company I use often in my task as a Webmaster. They have some great tips about how to get more shares on Facebook. They have produced this great infographic. My Favorite Share on Facebook idea "Ask yourself if your fans will find value in what you're...